Have you felt like it was time for a change?
We’re lucky in Northern Ireland there is no shortage of green, but ever feel like you want more? If you’re contemplating a move a bit further out, we’ve put a few benefits below to help you along the way.
Chasing that healthier lifestyle?
There’s no doubt moving further out of our capital city and greater Belfast area will make you more active, so much outdoor green space to enjoy. The sound of wildlife, the feeling of relaxation, the smells and sensory delights of being outside. Easy access to outdoor activities such as walking, cycling, and gardening, which are all proven to increase your immune system and generally promote good health. Whatever the weather, whatever outdoor pursuit you enjoy, being closer to the countryside is a great feeling. Just make sure you invest in a new pair of wellies; those long Sunday country strolls will definitely get muddier in the colder months. Who wouldn’t love to be closer to rolling green fields and take in a big breath of that crisp country air…
Community Feel
There is something reassuring about being able to walk down the street and recognise everyone you meet. Town folk take the time to stop and chat, to help you in times of need, and are always ready and willing to offer advice to newcomers. Your whole village will become like extended family, keeping an eye on your kids so they come to no harm, or letting you have the recipe to their homemade Irish Stew.
With fewer noisy neighbours and whirring sirens to contend with, and little to no rush hour traffic, it will be easier to concentrate when you’re working from home, and you can ditch the earplugs at night. There is significantly less light pollution meaning those black out blinds might not be needed after all. Sometimes we all need a bit of still.
Everyone will want to stay
Enticed by the beauty of the countryside and the guest room in your new pad, urbanite pals will be queuing up to come and stay for the weekend. If hosting is your thing, then having loved ones and friends to stay for the weekend will be a joy to look forward to.
Check out our current away from the hustle and bustle developments below: